The 2006 – 2007 Development Proposal for the formation of a Student American Osteopathic Academy of Orthopedics (SAOAO) stems from the vision of a student run organization under the American Osteopathic Academy of Orthopedics (AOAO, Academy).
The field of Orthopedics is a specialty that is growing in importance and popularity within the medical profession as a direct result of patient need and success of orthopedic practice.
The Academy itself was not formed until 1941, later receiving its official recognition by the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) in 1950.
The Academy is gaining status in the field of Osteopathic Medicine and the specialty of Orthopedics. However, there is an obvious need to further the Academy’s growing success.
This need can partially be fulfilled by extending the Academy’s expertise and support to the students interested in the specialty of Orthopedic surgery as there is a growing discrepancy in the number of Osteopathic Orthopedic Residents as compared to the number of Allopathic Orthopedic Residents in both the number of programs available and Orthopedic Surgeons graduating from these programs.
Halfway through the Bone and Joint Decade of 2000 – 2010, it is now time to bridge the gap between Orthopedic Physicians and Student Physicians in order to become a more significant driving force in the field of Orthopedics. With this growing involvement and acceptance of Osteopaths in the orthopedic community, now is the time to look towards the future of not only the orthopedic profession, but healthcare in general. The future lies with Osteopathic Medical Students.
There are a total of 42 Osteopathic Schools in 67 locations in the United States, all with students that are interested in the medical specialty of Orthopedic Surgery. Unfortunately, only 36 of the schools currently have student-run American Osteopathic Academy of Orthopedics organizations or “clubs”.
These include;
- T. Still University of Health Sciences School of Osteopathic Medicine – Arizona
- T. Still University of Health Sciences School of Osteopathic Medicine – Kirksville
- Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine – Midwestern
- Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine at New Mexico State University
- Campbell University School of Osteopathic Medicine
- Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine – Midwestern
- Des Moines University College of Osteopathic Medicine
- Idaho College of Osteopathic Medicine
- Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences COM – Joplin
- Kentucky College of Osteopathic Medicine – Pikesville
- Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine – Bradenton
- Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine – Erie
- Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine – Seton Hill
- Lincoln Memorial University College of Osteopathic Medicine
- Lincoln Memorial University College of Osteopathic Medicine – DeBusk
- Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine
- New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine
- NOVA Southeastern University College of Osteopathic Medicine
- Oklahoma State University Center of Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine
- Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine – Cleveland
- Ohio University Heritage COM – Dublin
- Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine – Georgia
- Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine – Philadelphia
- Pacific Northwestern University of Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine
- Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine – Colorado
- Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine – Southern Utah
- Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine
- Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine – California
- Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine – Middletown
- Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine – New York Harlem
- Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine – Nevada
- University of the Incarnate Word School of Osteopathic Medicine
- University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine
- University of North Texas Health Science Center
- Western University College of Osteopathic Medicine – Pomona, CA
- William Carey University College of Osteopathic Medicine
By providing these schools with support and education from the Academy, Osteopaths will continue to succeed in the specialty of Orthopedics.
This would not be possible without support of The Academy’s President, Dr. Sean McMillan, DO.
SAOAO Mission
The Mission of the SAOAO is to form a bridge between Osteopathic Medicine and Orthopedic Surgery, in order to create a holistic functioning system to provide all the members with the opportunity to change the future of Osteopathic Orthopedic medicine by being well educated and experienced health care practitioners.
SAOAO Inception Process
Upon approval of this Associations Constitution and Bylaws the Development Committee chose a select group of students from the country to compose the first Board of Directors.
At the closing of the developmental term in 2007, all Osteopathic Medical schools have a regional chapter governed by the student representatives.
All regional chapters will be coordinated through the SAOAO and the executive committee.
All members of the regional chapters of the SAOAO were granted student membership in the Academy.
At the general meeting of the Academy in May 2007, the first officers were voted into office by the regional representatives.
The Academy in conjunction with the SAOAO will provide SAOAO with the opportunity and funding to aid in research to advance and promote osteopathic orthopedic medicine.
Article I. Establishment. (a) The name of this organization shall be the Student American Osteopathic Academy of Orthopedics. (b) This name shall officially be abbreviated “SAOAO”. The Student American Osteopathic Academy of Orthopedics may herein be referred to as the “SAOAO”.
Article II. Objectives
Section 201. Purpose of the SAOAO. (a) The SAOAO shall promote and advance interest in the specialty of Orthopedic Surgery, (b) improve the quality of healthcare delivery to the American people and the world, (c) provide opportunities and promotion for research and publication, (d) contribute to the knowledge, welfare, and education of osteopathic medical students in the specialty of Orthopedic Surgery, (e) familiarize its members with the purpose and ideals of osteopathic medicine and Orthopedic Surgery, (f) aid in residency application procedures, (g) encourage voluntary community service, (h) establish lines of communication with other health science students and organizations, (i) prepare members to meet the social, moral, and ethical obligations of the osteopathic medical profession and (j) provide mentorship opportunities to osteopathic medical students.
Section 202. Legislative Assistance. (a) The SAOAO shall assist each chapter in its efforts to educate its state governor and legislators concerning the osteopathic medical profession by writing letters, paying visits, and making phone calls to key officials, and (b) come to the aid of any of the colleges of osteopathic medicine facing political attack in their own state.
Section 103. Policy Determination. (a) Responsibility for determining the policies of the Association shall be vested solely in the Board of Directors.
Article III – Membership
Section 301. Membership Classes. Membership in the Association shall be through local chapters of the AOA accredited osteopathic medical schools. Membership in the National SAOAO shall be classified into two groups: 1. Active Membership – only Active Members shall have voting privileges, 2. Honorary Membership.
Section 302. Active Membership. (a) To be admitted to Active Membership in SAOAO, an applicant must be enrolled, and in good standing, at an AOA accredited osteopathic medical school, have paid the appropriate national dues, and be a member in good standing of their local chapter of the SAOAO, if an applicable local chapter exists. (b) Active Membership is limited to students through their date of graduation. (c) Any student who is dismissed from their osteopathic medical school of record shall have their Active Membership in the SAOAO summarily terminated. (e) No appeal process is available in this action.
Section 303. Honorary Membership. (a) Honorary Membership may be granted to individuals or organizations making outstanding contributions to the success and perpetuation of SAOAO. (b) They can be awarded on a yearly basis by the Board of Directors and/or on a lifetime basis in a closed session of the Board of Directors. (c) Honorary members shall have none of the lifetime obligations of membership in the Association, but shall be entitled to all of the privileges except those of making or seconding motions or voting in the Board of Directors.
Section 304. Suspension of Membership. The SAOAO reserves the right to terminate membership of any member if circumstances justify such an action.
- Process of Suspension – The Executive Board, by unanimous vote, may take this action after due consideration.
- Appeal of Suspension – An appeal may be made if the ex-member alleges that the sanction was given arbitrarily, capriciously, in bad faith, or in violation of the law. In such cases the burden of proof for these allegations shall rest with the ex-member. The Executive Board shall deliberate on the validity of the appeal and, by a unanimous vote, take such appropriate action as: a. to accept the appeal, reopen the issue, and then vote again on the suspension, or b. deny the appeal and allow the sanction to officially stand.
Article IV – Officers
Section 401. National Officers. (a) The Officers of the SAOAO shall be: Immediate Past President as ex-officio, President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Conference Chair, Membership Chair, External Affairs, and Recruitment Chair. (b) National Officers will be elected by members of the SAOAO, provided that during a term of office, they maintain good standing, as described in Section 301.
Section 401.’ (a) A membership extension will be granted to any 4th year osteopathic medical school student who serves as President, to allow the appointment to the office of Immediate Past President.
(c) The President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Conference Chair, Recruitment Chair, Membership Chair, and External Affairs shall here-in-after and throughout be referred to as the “Executive Board.”
Section 402. Terms. (a) Officers, as defined in Section 401, shall serve for one year. (b) The term for newly elected officers will begin at the conclusion of the conference or meeting that the elections are held. (c) The outgoing SAOAO Executive Officers will continue to serve in helping to transition the newly elected officers for the remainder of the months until the next Post-Graduate Conference
Section 403. General Duties. The duties of SAOAO Officers, as defined in Section 401, shall be to unify local chapters as a national organization, address questions, concerns, and complaints of SAOAO local chapters and members, assure continuation of SAOAO programs, assist in the development of additional SAOAO programs, and delegate authority for specific activities and functions.
Section 404. Officers’ Duties. (a) The President shall,
- Oversee all the current events and projects of national SAOAO activities,
- preside over Council Meetings, preside over National Meetings, appoint members of standing and special committees,
- preside over program committee, research committee, and conference committee as a supporting role to the primary executive board member,
- act on behalf of the SAOAO to procure and maintain professional associations and communication with companies and corporations involved in the production of orthopedic or related devices,
- assist the SAOAO Treasurer in preparing an annual budget and approving reimbursement requests, and
- serve as SAOAO’s official representative on the AOAO Board of Directors, should such position be available. In so doing, the president will
- attend AOAO Board of Directors meetings before national conventions,
- participate in AOAO Board of Directors teleconferences,
- provide written and oral reports to the Board of Directors to coincide with semi-annual meetings,
- serve on or appoint a representative to serve on AOAO committees at AOAO President’s direction,
- provide written updates 3 times per year to the AOAO newsletter, The Orthopod,
- serve as consultant, informant, and representative as directed by the current AOAO president.
(b) The Vice President shall,
- assume the duties of President in the event of an absence of the President from an Official SAOAO meeting or event,
- serve as SAOAO’s alternate official representative on the AOAO Board of Directors, should such position be available,
- preside over the SAOAO Research and Resource Hub and Newsletter,
- preside over mentorship committee, resource committee, and social media committee as a supporting role to the primary executive board member should these committees be formed,
- be responsible for the planning and completion of a project to aid SAOAO in achieving its objectives outlined in Section 201,
- This project must be approved by the SAOAO President.
- preside over the mentorship program in partnership with AOAO and RAOAO,
- perform other duties as directed by the SAOAO President.
(c) The Secretary shall,
- notify Executive Board and Committee members of appropriate meetings,
- maintain the attendance record at all Executive Board and National Council meetings,
- record, distribute, post, and file the minutes of Executive Board and National Council meetings,
- collect all agendas and documentation distributed at Executive Board, National Council, and Committee meetings, and keep a file of all documentation received for this purpose,
- keep record of standing and special committees and members of those committees,
- act as Parliamentarian as defined in Robert’s Rules of Order (10th Edition) during SAOAO Executive Board and SAOAO National Council meetings,
- Shall assume the role Chairperson should the President or President-Elect be absent or otherwise delegate the duties of Chair during debate,
- Shall be the final authority on questions involving debate, procedure, and interpretation of SAOAO Bylaws and Standing Rules, maintain, organize, and distribute emails in the National Gmail account,
- perform other duties as directed by the SAOAO President.
(d) The Treasurer shall:
- keep an accurate, current, written record of all SAOAO monies collected and expended,
- prepare an annual budget to be approved by the Executive Board,
- submit a report of the financial activities of SAOAO at Executive Board meetings,
- prepare and present the annual SAOAO budget allocations for Executive Board approval,
- receive, process, and submit requests for reimbursement for expenses accrued for SAOAO activities and events,
- disburse funds for National or Chapter SAOAO activities as allocated by the budget and/or by Executive Board approval,
- be responsible for ordering and disseminating SAOAO membership cards for new members and for replacement, and
- perform other duties as directed by the SAOAO President.
(e) The Conference chair shall
- preside over the conference committee, should one be formed,
- oversee the planning, preparation, organization, and execution of semi-annual national student meetings,
- assist in the advertisement and promotion of activities and events,
- organize and execute conference scholarships in collaboration with SAOAO President and Treasurer,
- perform other duties as directed by the SAOAO President.
(f) The Recruitment chair shall,
- work closely with AOAO Ambassador Committee, and execute initiatives on SAOAO and Local chapter level,
- preside over research committee, should one be formed,
- collect and maintain annual national student roster from SAOAO chapters,
- present chapters for official SAOAO recognition,
- perform other duties as directed by the SAOAO President.
(g) The Membership chair shall,
- collect and maintain annual national student roster from SAOAO chapters,
- organize, design and execute the SAOAO Research and Resource Hub in collaboration with the SAOAO Vice President,
- perform other duties as directed by the SAOAO President.
(h) The External Affairs chair shall,
- lead the social media committee to organize, design and execute the SAOAO social media platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and TikTok,
- preside over the resource committee, should one be formed,
- lead outreach with other orthopedic communities to allow for access to all,
- lead the regional committee, should one be formed, for internal resources,
- perform other duties as directed by the SAOAO President.
(i) The Women’s Section Medical Student Liaison shall,
- work with the AOAO Women’s section on events at annual conferences and virtually on zoom,
- preside over the women’s committee, should one be formed,
- organize student scholarships in collaboration with the SAOAO President, Treasurer, and AOAO Women’s Section President,
- when possible, attend SAOAO conferences to lead in-person events,
- perform other duties as directed by the SAOAO President
(j) The Immediate Past President shall,
- serve as ex-officio member of SAOAO Executive Board,
- perform other duties as directed by the SAOAO President, and
- not vote in any manner.
Section 405. Transition of Officers. It shall be emphasized that the outgoing National Officers work closely with the newly elected officers to ensure a smooth transition of both the knowledge and workings of the SAOAO for a period mutually agreed upon by the incoming and outgoing Officers.
Section 406. Vacancies. (a) When a vacancy on the Executive Board exists, the Secretary may receive nominations for new members of the present Board two weeks in advance of a Board meeting. These nominations shall be sent out to the Board members with the regular Board meeting announcements, to be voted upon at the next Board meeting. These vacancies will be filled only to the end of the particular Board member’s term.
Section 407. Resignation, Termination and Absences. Resignation from the Board must be in writing and received by the Secretary. A Board member shall be dropped for excess absences from the Board if he/she has three unexcused absences from Board meetings in a year. A Board member may be removed for other reasons by a three-fourths vote of the remaining Board members.
Article V – Committees
Section 501. Formation of Committees. (a) Committees described in this section shall be composed of a Committee Chairperson, Secondary Chair by the President or Vice President, and approved by unanimous consent of the Executive Board. (b) The Secondary Chair’s responsibilities will be to assist the Committee Chairperson in any matters pertaining to the committee’s responsibilities. (c) The Executive Board may appoint members to the committee as they see fit, reviewing all candidates anonymously. (d) All committees shall report to the SAOAO Executive Board, with participating in committee leadership meetings once per month.
Section 502. Special Committees. (a) Special committees may be formed by an SAOAO National Executive Board member to organize and direct SAOAO activities and to formulate and recommend policies regarding SAOAO issues and problems. These include Program, Research, Women’s Section, and Conference. (b) Special committee terms are to be determined by the Committee Chairperson.
Section 503. Removal. (a) Any committee member shall be removed from office if the Committee Chairperson deems the member fails to fulfill the required duties or commits behavior deemed inappropriate.
Article VI – Meetings
Section 601. Annual Meeting. (a) The Association will hold its Annual meetings in conjunction with the AOAO Annual Meetings, which are held each spring and fall. All Executive Committee members are required to attend the Board Business Meeting. At least one representative from each chapter must be in attendance. All members are encouraged to attend various other business meetings and the Annual Elections.
Section 602. Requirements for Voting. (a) All business, unless otherwise specified in the Constitution and Bylaws, shall be transacted by a simple majority of votes cast. (b) A Quorum will consist of no less than seventy (70%) percent of SAOAO Executive Board members.
Article VII – Elections
Section 701. Dates of Elections. (a) Elections for Officers as defined in Section 401(a), shall be held at the annual Fall National Meeting in person.
Section 702. Conduct of Elections. (a) Elections for SAOAO National Council shall be determined by a majority division of votes casted.
- A simple majority of 50% + 1 of all votes casted is not required for determining a winner of an election, merely the candidate with the most supporting votes will be selected as the winner of the election. If no candidate received 50% + 1 of the votes, a runoff of the candidates with the two highest vote totals shall be held. If neither candidate receives a winning number of votes, additional run-offs will be held until a winner is declared.
(b) Each Osteopathic medical college campus in attendance will be allotted one vote per position. (c) A minimum of one representative from a medical college, not including current national executive board members, must be present at the elections in order for that local college’s votes to be considered for the election. (d) All current SAOAO Executive Board members in good standing will complete a ballot for all elections and positions. (e) National Executive Board members’ votes will be cast separately to institutional votes. (f) Should a SAOAO Executive Board member not be present at the time of elections for any reason, they shall be permitted to submit a ballot to the Conference Chair for only the position of President in advance.
Section 703. Election Administration. (a) The current National Executive Board, shall administer the election in accordance with the following duties:
- Shall be responsible for ensuring that all votes are properly counted and certified.
- Shall ensure that the candidates for office are in good academic and disciplinary standing.
- Shall ensure that any and all candidates have met eligibility criteria.
- Shall conduct elections for the different positions in the following order: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Conference Chair, Recruitment Chair, External Affairs, Membership Chair, and Women’s Section Medical Student Liasion.
- Shall call a vote for each position individually after the introduction of and statements from all candidates running are heard.
- Shall allow any candidate who was not elected to a position to run for any other subsequent position.
- Elections are to be conducted by the outgoing National SAOAO Executive Board members, should such members exist.
- In the event that no outgoing members exist, the election shall be conducted by the current National SAOAO President.
Section 703.’ Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, with the majority consent of the Executive Board, the National Executive Board may implement policies that ensure the fair and impartial administration of elections, including administration of Special Elections.
Article VIII – Dues
Section 801. National Dues Assessment. (a) Dues for the Osteopathic medical students enrolled in an AOA approved program shall be $40.00 for the four-year Active Membership paid to the National SAOAO. (b) Additional dues for students enrolled in an extended program lasting more than the four-year Active Membership shall be $10.00 paid to the National SAOAO for each additional year.
Section 802. Local Chapter Assessment. (a) Each local SAOAO chapter reserves the right to charge a chapter assessment in addition to the national dues. The assessment fee is NOT to exceed $60.00. The local chapter officers shall determine the Chapter Assessment annually and will notify SAOAO of the determined assessment by August 1st. (b) In addition to the Assessment, local SAOAO chapters have the right to develop and sell goods for educational use and/or for promoting the SAOAO or AOAO.
Article IX – Budget and Appropriations
Section 901. Construction. Nothing in this Article shall be construed to permit the reallocation of SAOAO appropriations at times other than those specified under these bylaws.
Section 902: Origin of funds. (a) The overall SAOAO budget shall come from appropriations from the AOAO and national fees collected by all Local Chapters and submitted to the Treasurer. (b) Additional funds for SAOAO activities may be acquired through, but not limited to, fundraising and sponsorship efforts of the SAOAO.
Section 903. Appropriations. (a) The SAOAO account will fund National and Council Meetings, expenses incurred by day to day operations of the SAOAO Executive Board, and any sanctioned events held by SAOAO members approved for funding by unanimous vote of the Executive Board. (b) The Executive Board may allocate additional funds to endeavors it sees fit for the advancement of the SAOAO, provided that,
- Any endeavor be documented, approved by the majority of the Executive Board, and recorded to the Treasurer,
- A preliminary budget be submitted to the Treasurer prior to the event,
- Remaining appropriations are returned to the SAOAO account.
Article X – Local Chapters
Section 1001: Chapter Petition. (a) Any group of five or more students at an AOA accredited osteopathic medical school may petition for a chapter within the Association. (b) The petitioners shall sign the petition and date their signature and shall supply any information requested by the Board as to its qualifications for membership.
Section 1002. Chapter Restrictions. (a) There shall not be more than one such chapter at any osteopathic medical school. (b) Local Chapters may contain dual partnership with other national Sports Medicine organizations. Neither the SAOAO chapter nor the Sports Medicine chapter shall be the parent or subsidiary organization but shall run in tandem with one another. Each national organization shall administer its own membership dues and requirements and the members are subject to each organization’s bylaws. (c) The local chapter is required to maintain SAOAO in its club name, provided the college approves of a submitted name change.
Section 1003. Chapter Benefits. Each chapter shall enjoy equal rights and representation within the SAOAO as set forth in the Constitution and Bylaws.
Section 1004: Chapter Requirements. (a) A Local Chapter shall be considered in good standing provided that,
- an annual activities summary, an annual reporting of the chapter’s student roster, and all other administrative forms requested by the SAOAO Executive Board be completed by the Fall conference.
- 100% of the chapter’s members are active members as defined in Sections 301 and 801,
- Each chapter shall be represented at a minimum of one (1) national conference every two (2) years.
- club activities are reported semi-annually at each National Conference.
Article XI – Discrimination
Section 1101. Discrimination. (a) Neither the Association nor its constituent chapters may refuse membership on the basis of race, religion, color, gender, sexual orientation, national origin or creed. Chapters shall otherwise determine the qualifications of their own members were not inconsistent with the Constitution and Bylaws of this Association.
Article XII – Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws
Section 1201: Amendment Consideration. (a) Proposed amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws shall be considered at the next meeting of the Executive Board.
Section 1202: Amendment Submission. (a) Any seven of the members of the Association may propose an amendment to the Constitution and Bylaws by submitting the resolution with a brief explanation, postmarked to the SAOAO Secretary at least sixty days prior to the next meeting.
Section 1203. Amendment Distribution. (a) Copies of proposed amendments shall be distributed to all constituent chapters and postmarked at least thirty days prior to the next meeting.
Section 1204. Amendment Approval. (a) A vote of at least two-thirds of the Board of Directors quorum required shall be required for passage of any new amendment.
Article XIII – Dissolution of the Association
Section 1301. Dissolution. (a) In the event that the Board of Directors, by a two-thirds majority vote while in a quorum session, shall choose to dissolve the Association, merge with another organization, or join a consolidation of other organizations, the Board shall distribute the assets of the Association (remaining after the payment, satisfaction and discharge of all outstanding liabilities and obligations) to one or more non-profit organizations qualified for tax exemption under section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code and engaged in activities to promote osteopathic medical education. (b) The Board shall choose such organization(s) by a two-thirds vote while in a quorum session. (c) All actions by the Board in this matter shall be based on consultations and advice from attorney in order to fulfill all legal requirements.
Article XIV – Rules of Order
Section 1401. Rules of Order. (a) Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the parliamentary procedures of the Association in all cases where applicable and where inconsistent with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association.
Article XV – Code of Ethics
Section 1501. Code of Ethics. (a) The Code of Ethics of this Administration shall be a version of the AOAO’s Code of Ethics modified to reflect the student physician’s role in today’s medical practice environment. (b) The Code of Ethics shall govern the professional conduct of the members of the Association. (c) The Association shall amend the Code of Ethics, as may be needed from time to time, following the protocol for amendments to the Association’s Constitution and Bylaws.
Last amended and ratified 1/30/2025